Saturday, October 11, 2008

visual Studio Tweaks


Put conditions on breakpoints:

There is a possibility to tell the debugger not to stop on a breakpoint every time. You can add a condition to the breakpoint and the debugger will stop there only when this condition is met. This is very useful when debugging a code that is continuously called (by a timer, …). All you need to do is right click on a specific breakpoint, choose Condition and the following window appears:


As you can see there are two radio button options:

  • Is true: You can write any code that would compile inside an If statement and the debugger will stop only when this code returns true.
  • Has changed: The debugger will stop only when the specified variable has changed.

A very Useful tip :

My computer slows down during visual studio startup.

Should u encounter similar kind of problem , here is the solution

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As Visual Studio  turns out, there is a file called ExpansionsXML.xml in your "local settings" folder, which gets written by VS a lot, thus slowing down the application - marking it as "read only" by changing the properties solves the problem.

Abosulute path – C:\Documents and Settings\A.P.Vijay\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\1033.

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